
‘Charity is the friendship of man for God, which unites us to God. The habit of charity extends, not only to the Love of God, but also to the love of our neighbour’ – St Thomas Aquinas

At Divine Mercy College, we understand the need to develop charitable hearts in each of our students.

Christianity sees all of humanity as one large family, divided perhaps by historical and political events, but always one in God, who is father of all. We are, therefore, passionate about supporting the Church’s appeals for peace, justice, freedom, progress for all peoples and assistance for countries in need.

We also see the practice of charity as a necessary element in Christian maturity – to accept difficulties with courage, help those in need, and give good example.

Our College community participates in charitable works by fund raising and supporting weekly collections during the school masses on Fridays.

As part of a first-world country, we as a school community show our deep gratitude for the blessed lives we live through acts of charity.

We support:

India – Since 1996, Divine Mercy College has provided funds for an orphanage for boys, as well as a school for mentally and physically disabled children.

Nigeria – Since 2016, College funds have contributed to the construction of the Divine Mercy Hospital.

Vietnam –Since 2014, College funds have supported the operation of six orphanages run by Catholic nuns. Furthermore, funds have been donated to local doctors and medical staff who provide services free-of-charge to those living in the most remote areas.